Bishop’s Day for Youth is this Saturday, November 21. This is a day of online activities for 7th-12th grade youth. You can register for the event here. The day will begin with Feed Louisville. Activities with our Synod will begin at 10am. All participants should bring their own devices for online activities. Activities are scheduled from 10am – 11:45am and 2pm – 3pm. Please see the flyer above for more details.
6th grade youth will work on the Feed Louisville meal. Students will have lunch at church – either bring your own or let Pastor Elisa know you would like a Feed Louisville meal.
During the break for lunch youth will play Capture the Flag! All youth – kindergarten to 12th grade are invited to play. The game will take place from 11:45am-2pm! There will also be a virtual concert at 7:30pm, which youth can view from home.
Questions or to make a reservation, contact Pastor Elisa, associate_pastor@christlutheranlouisville.com or 502-267-5082.