In the Fall, we met as a congregation and started the process of asking what we would like to start doing, what we wanted to keep doing and what we thought we should stop doing. Responses have been gathered and some themes are starting to emerge.
Start (green) Fellowship, Worship, Membership and Community received the most responses. As a congregation, we want to be more present and active in our local community. We also want to grow in our faith and worship practices, grow stronger as a faith community and repurpose our facility to accommodate these changes.
Keep (yellow) responses were highest for Fellowship, Worship, Community and Christian Education. Though three of these four areas are the same in Start/Keep, the focus is different which opens the door to many growth opportunities.
Stop(red) responses focused a lot on the environment and being good stewards of the earth by increasing recycling efforts and using less plastic. Also mentioned was the need to stop finding faults without also working to find solutions.
These comments and data are now in the hands of our Council members for next steps to be determined. Be watching for more information on these next steps and how you, yes, you, can be part of moving our church forward toward our future!
What’s YOUR vision for CLC’s future? Join us tomorrow for Consecration Sunday, as we enjoy a potluck lunch, celebrate our many blessings, and make plans for the coming year. The council has spent months on a 3-part visioning project–learn about step 1, Assets Discovery; step2, Listening Campaign, & step 3, History Exercise in the videos below. Now they want to hear from YOU! Check out the 3 videos below….just click the links!
Visioning 2024 – Step 1 – Our Assets
Visioning 2024 – Step 2 – Listening Campaign
Visioning 2024 – Step 3 – History Exercise
Once you have viewed the 3 videos, it’s now time to make YOUR VOICE heard!! Scan the QR Code and share your thoughts and ideas…what should we continue, what should be stop and what new ideas do you have?