Check out what’s happening at CLC, where we walk with Christ to love and serve our church and neighbors!!
Join us immediately following the 11am service for our “My Cup Runneth Over” coffee fellowship hour. Coffee and sweet treats will be provided. Donations of treats to go with our coffee is always appreciated, as well as K-cups for this fellowship event.
Thirty RED GERANIUMS have been ordered to decorate the chancel area of the Sanctuary on Pentecost Sunday, May 19. The cost per plant is $8. Sign up sheets will be in the Narthex. Please place your money in an envelope provided and write your name and “geranium” on it and place it in the office plate during worship. You may pick up your plant on Sunday, ,May 19th AFTER the 11am service. Thank you!!
Open Pickleball Courts May 7, 9, & 11 from 12pm – 2pm. Call the office for information, 502-267-5082.
Please help us help JAM by donating toilet paper. We all know how expensive this necessary household item is. Let us help our neighbors in need. Please bring your donations to the Narthex May12 through May 19th!
Join us on Sunday, May 19th during our Sunday school hour in the gym for a Graduation Celebration for our graduating students. Come and congratulate them on their accomplishments.
Mark your calendars and join us Sunday, May 26….Kids, mom, dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, friends…join for our second class of our NEW Sunday school class for families! The next class is scheduled for Sunday, April 21 at 9:45am. We hope you and your family will join us.
VBS IS BACK AND IT IS GOING TO BE OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! The VBS flyer with ALL the STELLAR details is attached to this email. Be sure to check it out. Blast of dates are June 10-14th, 6pm-8pm. A meal will be provided at 5pm each night! Don’t miss out on registration. REGISTER HERE:
The Social Ministry committee is sponsoring a Snack Pack Event beginning May 26 through June 16. During this time the committee will be collecting monetary donations to purchase snack supplies. Please place your monetary donation in the offering plate during our offering. MAKE SURE IT IS MARKED “SNACK PACK”. We will also need volunteers to assemble the snack packs on Sunday, June 16 following the 11am service.