We will be honoring Pastor Poisel and his 35 years of ministry, 20 of which was spent at Christ Lutheran.  Pastor Poisel will be preaching Saturyda, August 25 at 5:30pm and Sunday, August 26 at both services.  Immediately followign the 11am service there will be a catered luncheon and program.Read More →

The Gospel according to Mark, the 6th chapter as told by Pastor Ron Poisel.  Pastor Poisel’s sermon is uplifting and inspiring.  Check back next week for another powerful message from Christ Lutheran’s senior pastor.Read More →

Come and visit with Pastor Poisel. This is a special time to reminisce and recall wonderful memories you may have with Pastor Poisel from the last 20 years.  Refreshments will be provided. RSVP by calling the church office, 502-267-5082 or Pastor Poisel  directly, 502-599-8350.Read More →

Come and visit with Pastor Poisel. This is a special time to reminisce and recall wonderful memories you may have with Pastor Poisel from the last 20 years.  Refreshments will be provided. RSVP by calling the church office, 502-267-5082 or Pastor Poisel  directly, 502-599-8350.Read More →

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The Season of Lent continues through the month of March — to the celebration of Easter on April 1. The word Lent comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word Lencten, which means the lengthening of the days as Spring appears. I have enjoyed the later sunsets.Read More →