Join us for an evening of frightful fun on Saturday, October 26 from 6:30-9pm.  There will be a pizza dinner, crafts, games and trick or treating.   GIFT Youth will work on a service project for Centerstone-Brooklawn residents.  Bring a dessert to share.  Volunteers needed to decorate their cars and handRead More →

The WOW stands for Widows or Widowers.   This is a social club for people who have lost their spouse.  We have meetings once a month followed by refreshments and live music for dancing.   We meet twice a month for dinner at different  Louisville restaurants.  There are special  dinners  for ThanksgivingRead More →

Join us for Roar VBS! This is a free ministry for children age 3 (must be potty trained) to 11 years old. We will learn that “Life is Wild…God is Good”!Read More →

Men’s Group Bible Study is a group of men, meeting one Saturday a month for fellowship and study.  The men meet at 8am for coffee and fellowship then Bible study begins at 8:30am.  All men of Christ Lutheran are invited.Read More →

Men’s Group Bible Study is a group of men, meeting one Saturday a month for fellowship and study.  The men meet at 8am for coffee and fellowship then Bible study begins at 8:30am.  All men of Christ Lutheran are invited.Read More →

Men’s Group Bible Study is a group of men, meeting one Saturday a month for fellowship and study.  The men meet at 8am for coffee and fellowship then Bible study begins at 8:30am.  All men of Christ Lutheran are invited.Read More →