Sunday, February 23, 2020; Youth Sunday Worship Service. The Youth of CLC led the congregation in worship. They participated in all areas of the worship service. Such a wonderful way for our Youth to build on their faith foundation.Read More →
Sunday Worship-Late Service
Visit us at 11am and experience our most popular worship service. We use a contemporary format on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Music is provided by guitars, percussion and rhythmic instruments on these Sundays. Communion is celebrated every week and we invite everyone to Christ’s table. Therefore,Read More →
Epiphany Party for Jesus
Join us on Sunday, January 5 at 12:15pm for an Epiphany Party for Jesus. We will pay homage to Jesus, just as the Wisemen paid homage when they arrived in Bethlehem. We will share our family heritage with one another through a multi-cultural pot luck lunch. Families are asked to bringRead More →
5th Anniversary Organ Recital
Join us in celebrating the 5th anniversary of our organ as well as 230 years of making Christ known on Sunday, October 27 at 5pm. Guest concert organist Jack Mitchener will treat his audience to an evening of superb organ music. Immediately following the concert, there will be a wine and cheeseRead More →
5th Anniversary Organ Recital
Join us Sunday, October 27 at 5pm for an organ recital celebrating the 5th anniversary of our organ. Guest concert organist John Michener will treat his audience to an evening of wonderful organ music on Reformation Sunday. Immediately following the concert, there will be a reception in the gym toRead More →
Sunday, September 8, 2019; Gospel of Luke 14:25-33; Sermon; Pastor Bimen Limbong
Pastor Bimen announces we are the next contestants on the Christian Price Is Right. No matter what we do, we are forgiven, loved and given eternal life…and the price paid for this came from God’s wallet, not ours.Read More →
Sunday Worship – Late Service
Visit us at 11am and experience our most popular worship service. We use a contemporary format on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Music is provided by guitars, percussion and rhythmic instruments on these Sundays. Communion is celebrated every week and we invite everyone to Christ’s table. Therefore,Read More →
Installation Service & Reception for Reverend Dr. Bimen Limbong
Bishop William Gafkjen will preside over the Installation Service of Reverend Dr. Bimen Limbong as Lead Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church. Immediately following the service there will be an hors d’oeuvre reception in the gym. Please contact the church office if you are planning on attending, 502-267-5082.Read More →
Installation Service & Reception for Reverend Dr. Bimen Limbong
Join us in celebrating Reverend Dr. Bimen Limbong and his family at his Installation Service presided over by Bishop William Gafkjen of the Indiana Kentucky Synod. The Installation service will begin at 5pm in the Christ Lutheran Sanctuary. Immediately following the service, there will be an hors d’oeuvre reception inRead More →